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Business Succession - Partnerships

07 May 2024
Partnership succession on planned retirement
Funding for succession on retirement

02 May 2024
Partnership share purchase - commerciality and premium equalisation
How to achieve commerciality by equalising premium payments

01 May 2024
Partnership succession following critical illness/disability
The choice: double and single option agreements

30 April 2024
Partnership succession on death
Component parts of a share purchase plan

30 April 2024
Family partnerships - business succession
Succession in family firms - key considerations

29 April 2024
Automatic accrual arrangements
Practical and tax considerations of automatic accrual

29 April 2024
Introduction to partnership succession - problems and solutions
How to ensure that the continuing partners can continue the partnership and the family is compensated

16 April 2024
Definition of keyperson cover, and positioning cover with businesses
Keyperson cover and how to position it with businesses

14 March 2024
Funding the purchase of company shares or a share in a partnership - life policies, etc.
Choice of life policy to fund the purchase of company shares or a share in a partnership

12 March 2024
Business trusts - key considerations
Why use a business trust and key provisions

08 March 2024
The tax implications of share purchase
Tax implications of share purchase chronologically

05 March 2024
Option agreements - the price and valuation
Market values and fixed prices - option agreements

05 March 2024
Option agreements
The effect of double and single option agreements

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