Will can be overridden by oral agreement to transfer shares on death - EWHC
An England and Wales High Court (EWHC) case in which it was decided that an oral agreement among shareholders regarding the transfer of shares on death is capable of being valid and binding. The agreement can not only supersede the terms of a company's articles but may also override the terms of the donor's will
04 December 2024
Deathbed destruction of a will
An England and Wales High Court (EWHC) case in which it was decided that a woman who partially tore up her will on her deathbed had intended to revoke the document and thus prevent her extended family inheriting her £800K estate
Accompanying deceased to Swiss clinic does not amount to assisting suicide
A recent case in which the England and Wales High Court have ruled that a widower is to be allowed to inherit the residue of his late wife's estate even though he admitted assisting her death by suicide at a clinic in Switzerland
09 October 2024
How to leave a legacy for children with special educational needs or learning difficulties - a case study
Leaving a legacy either in lifetime or on death to a family member who has special educational needs (SENDS). If your clients have a family member who has special educational needs (SENDS), they may not be able to deal with their own finances as they enter into adulthood. It’s important to help your clients make the right choices when it comes to leaving a legacy either in lifetime or on death to those individuals